The edge of no control

The sun rises in his eyes My world the better for his dawning Peace of faith and understanding Shine forth Blessings and comfort he brings to me My world formed anew Washing away my fear A trust unknown grows within me. Voices condemn my stupidity Deny his graciousness Block out his light “It will burn you Bury you in the ashes of all you could be All you could be going your own way Fight for control Struggle against his imprisonment Dependence is addiction Cry out for freedom”. The voices whisper fear Worry, anxiety, confusion Pain and a troubled mind A heart reminded of past sorrows Abandonment, guilt, horror. I am overwhelmed Shrinking Growing smaller Crouching in the darkness Arms wrapped around my head I am safe here Voices whisper “Stay we will shield you Feel the solid floor The walls surrounding you Stay in the control”. High above a pin point of light A star white hot Brilliant against the dark My eyes hurt to see it Voices shrieking I will burn I scream in anger and betrayal It is reaching for me Light beyond purity I stare I long for its touch I want the light The cleansing power. Claws scratch at me Tearing my skin Pulling me back Into the comfort of the darkness I sing out My spirit crying for help Tears of bitterness Tears of joy Tears of confusion Tears of hope. Hands take me Cradle me Support me I can rest I am looking into the universe All creation in his eyes Warmth Wholeness. Frightened of trusting Can I believe I am sought? Can this purity want me? To hold To guide To help I do not understand Into this incomprehension I surrender my control My strength in independence no longer needed I am his Loved Protected Valued Upheld Launched into who I was created to be As I watch the sun rising in his eyes for all eternity.